Thursday, July 4, 2013

Easy Patriotic Fruit Salad

Patriotic Fruit Salad

I found this beautiful fruit salad last year on "Wit and Whistle" via pinterest    
and have been dying to make it ever since! Last year it didn't happen..... but look how beautiful!

My family is having a BBQ tonight and I happily was assigned to bring watermelon! THIS was my chance!!! .. I pulled out my big ol' watermelon... pulled out the star cookie cutter .. and wam.. the most beautiful red star.... then the baby started screaming.... and then... well.. look at these cute kiddos-

Well....... to avoid this:

Cute Claire hiding in my bathroom... she dumped  out all of my makeup, had my dress shoes on and was according to her:  "just getting ready, mom" .... so cute... buttt.... Too much of my makeup has been ruined this way and I didn't want another lipstick to bite the dust. The dust from my powder that is :)./

And as to not miss cute things like this:

Claire using her Easter basket and chop sticks for drums

 Or this: ........ (Sigh...:) :) )
Clark Kent turning into superman.. (imagine the cutest 4 year old voice  singing to the Superman theme "dun da da dunnnnn "... got to love the glasses, right? And yes.. that is my messy home.. I thought about cropping it out... buuut.. I'm  just keepin' it real!

So... I just ended up with this:

I still think it's beautiful :) And it still dresses up the ol' American favorite: Watermelon! :) Maybe on a 4th of July in the future I'll have pretty star shaped watermelon... but in the meantime - this is good enough for me! :)

Happy Independence Day!! :)

Cara! :)

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