Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Cleanliness is Close to Godliness": Homemade Body Wash

I totally wish I had some visuals for you! I am again "nap time blogging" and the naps are VERY close to being over! But I wanted to get this posted!

This is so simple. There are three general ways to go about this that I know of. The first option is not so frugal, but natural and better for your skin. People use essential oils, real shea butter, real flower petals.. etc... how awesome! :) I won't be posting the recipes that I have found for this though! This is a blog about being frugal and being REAL. I know, I know, those ingredients are SO REAL.... but where I am at in life right now, REAL to me is that I have about 5 or less minutes to devote to making body wash... So! Feel free to google them! There are a lot of really awesome recipes out there! :)
In most places I found that people go and buy inexpensive shampoo.. like Suave or inexpensive baby shampoo and mix it with water and Epsom salt. Interesting hu? But! A lot of people do this and swear by it -

1 c shampoo

1/2 c water

3 T Epsom or table salt

The 3rd way is probably the most cost effective and simple. This is what I like :) - I just get my favorite smelling bar soap... I personally like to be "Zestfully Clean" or feel like I've just bathed in an "Irish Spring." hehehe :) - The smell smells SO clean to me... maybe not so luxurious, but it does the job!:).If you like to pamper yourself every once in a while, buy a body wash you love and only use it when you are pampering yourself - the rest of the time, this does the job! :)

- I grate 1/2 to 3/4 of the bar and place in a container and fill the container with really hot water to the 18 oz mark, give it a really good shake or stir, then I let it sit over night to gel. You may need to tweak it to make it the consistency you want- then put it in a convenient bottle and Voila! Homemade body wash 20 oz for 10-20 cents! Can't beat that! There is no science to this, so just mess with the portions until you have a consistency you like :) I've known that bar soap is the least expensive way to go, but I always have the image of soap that is supposed to be white but the person who used it before you left it a bubble brown. Ew. Body wash really does go further than bar soap anyway! :) I know! SO simple right?? It's amazing how much we really can do on our own!

Now - of course I would rather use fancy body wash - but there is a time and a season for everything! - As much as I love Tide, fancy body wash, expensive clothes, CONVENIENCE - those things are out of season for me :) - In this season, I want to make sure I do all I can for my family to ensure a secure future. - It's certainly not the easy road, and I LOVE EASY, but it's worth it! I promise! :)

Happy showering!! :)


  1. Or you could get the expensive stuff for freeeeeee!!!

  2. True! Janet! I still need to spotlight you with your incredible couponing expertise! It's true, when i was couponing, I got TONS of free body wash! It just took SOOO much time to clip, search through the ads, look through Savvy Shopper, then it seemed everyday I needed to drive across town to be somewhere else to get something to make the coupons work :) - Plus, I'm not very competitive... so when I would see women with cartfuls of a product or two or saw the shelves empty, it was soo discouraging! :) BUT SOooo many people do SO well! You'll totally have share your wisdom!! :)

  3. Yeah...I have about a years supply of free body wash too Janet :) Gotta love those coupons! But I love your idea too Cara! One thing you can also use that super cheap shampoo for is to make bubble bath for your kids...mine LOVE it!! Or bath paints as well...great ideas Cara! :)
